The Good Shepherd

Gathering in Service
Solomon's treasures
Our community is lucky enough to have an opp shop that is managed and staffed completely by volunteers.
Solomon's treasures is open Thursdays and Fridays from 8am-2pm. The volunteers roster themselves on in small groups in order to ensure that there is a place for people to come who are looking for cheap clothing, bric-a-brac, or bedding and sometimes home wares, in doing this they are also a friendly face and a source of companionship to each other and the wider community.

The Bread ministry
a few members of our community gather each Thursday night to collect bread donated by a local baker,. They bring it to the hall, sort it and store it, and then the next morning they distribute it to those who could use a little extra support in their lives. Sometimes the important part of the support seems to be more social and emotional than the merely practical. It matters to have a group of people who care.

Community BBQ
Once a month a few of us gather to help our Brothers and Sisters at Christ Church Anglican in their service to those in need. Good Shepherd volunteers staff the 4th Saturday of the month in the weekly Saturday Sausage sizzle that is offered to those who need a place to share some food. It is reminiscent of a good Bunnings Sausage sizzle with a cup of coffee and some fruit for good measure.
We are fortunate enough to have so many volunteers that we actually do it in a bi-monthly cycle.

Community Morning Tea
If you would like to just get out of the house to make some new connections, our GS Community Morning Tea is here for you! Come and join us for morning tea and a chat every
THURSDAY 9.30am-11.00am in our Ministry Centre.
We look forward to sharing a cuppa with you!