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On learning more


Growing in faith is an important and constant journey, which traditionally was done collectively in our communities and study groups, or in a library surrounded by books. In this day and age however that old model just does not work.

So many of us are busy or have very different questions. With that in mind, here we bring together the best resources that we have found that are freely available, and that we have found useful. The list and links are not exhaustive, but hopefully will be helpful. Of course if you have any specific questions, please feel free to contact us. Face to face is always great, but sometimes the only option is a phone call, or an email.

On the go

If you are busy and on the go, but still wish to learn more, I would suggest podcasts. There is so much great content produced by people from many backgrounds. I know I listen to a lot while walking the dog.


what do they actually preach?

If you want to know what is actually preached at Good Shepherd, fell asleep in the sermon, or wanted to hear the message again, we have the video for you. Most of our sermons are filmed and made available through you tube and on the site.

We will also put other useful videos there, because we love to share.


Some deeper reading

There are many great websites that offer tools for studying the bible, for expanding our knowledge, and honestly for fantastic sermon notes. On the Websites we visit page you will find some links to those.

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